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Your setback is setting you up for the better that is ahead. Check out my friend’s blog. Sound words

Shida's Corner

How many times have you made a plan that didn’t work out or set a goal that you almost achieved and at the last moment something went wrong? How many times have you felt like you’ve taken five steps forward just to take ten steps back?

I’ve been there. To be 100% honest, I’ve been there plenty of times and occasionally still visit that same sullen place. These situations are called “setbacks”.

  1. 1.
    a reversal or check in progress.
    “a serious setback for the peace process”
    Synonyms:  problem, difficulty, hitch, complication, upset, disappointment, mishap, reversal;

In my opinion (and from my experience) setbacks are for a purpose. Don’t get me wrong, setbacks suck. The feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, loss, frustration and down right anger that flood in at the onset of a setback are not pleasant; but have you noticed what follows close behind?

I have…

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More Than You Can Bear

Check out my friend’s blog. God never gives us more than we can bare. He will be there to carry every heavy load.

Shida's Corner

The Bible says that God is faithful and He will not allow our temptations to be more than we can bear.

That scripture also goes on to say that although we are tempted He will also make a way of escape for us.

My interpretation of this scripture takes into account not only the obvious temptations but every hardship that we could encounter, whether it be personal loss, the effects of bad decisions, sadness, depression, anxiety, indecision and many others.

Whatever situation you find yourself in, just know that it will come to an end. Though it may seem long, tiring and even hopeless, remember that it is just temporary. It cannot last forever and we know this because God’s word cannot lie.

God will always make a way to escape for you. Your way of escape is available. It may not always be clear but when you make a…

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Give it all you’ve got

The time is now. Don’t put off what you should be doing today . Check out my friend’s blog

Shida's Corner

I have been wanting to do so many things recently but have always made excuses. No time, too tired, etc. It’s easy to tell yourself that you’ll start tomorrow but will you really?

I’m guilty of using the “tomorrow” excuse for a lot of things and I realize that many of the things I said I would do tomorrow I still have not done months later and that’s definitely disappointing.

I’ve now made a conscious decision to not put things off for “tomorrow” because tomorrow never really comes. James 4:13-14 speaks about not planning for tomorrow because tomorrow is not promised. We often plan for the upcoming days and weeks appointments and events which is fine, but don’t intentionally put off goals, dreams, plans and creativity for tomorrow because of laziness or simple excuses.

There was a specific event in my life, which I plan to speak about in more…

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Love vs. Hate


1 Corinthians 13:4 -7: 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

I think this scripture summarizes love the best. Love is a firm foundation that should not easily crumble beneath us. Love should be something automatic but yet some people would prefer to turn to hate. In the 21st Century I hear people throw around the word hate so effortless and i just don’t understand why. Why is it so easy for people to hate one another for every little thing; if someone looks different than you do then people find it a reason to hate them. If someone does you wrong the first emotion it drives in us is hatred.
I personally believe that it takes a bigger person to love someone regardless of the way they look or whatever pain the put you through. What the world needs to understand is that there is power in love; love has the ability to turn a bad situation around into something good. When someone does you wrong and you can show them that your love is bigger than what they have done to you then you shock them through them off because many people never see that coming. 
It is just too easy for people to hate one another and hold each other up in our hearts; instead we should challenge ourselves to love one another. Yes it is a challenge but puts less weight down on your heart.
Love is a bonding agent which has no limitations. Let’s use love to bind us together instead of giving into hate and allowing it to destroy us!
I have seen families divided over stupid little things that they could have solved in a different way instead of not seeing or talking to each other for years and when weddings or family engagements come along they can barely say hi to one another but instead greet each other like strangers.
Me personally I don’t understand how
people can inconvenience themselves with hatred and such anger I think it is exhausting and it just drains the life out of you. I don’t have time for that; I rather be locked up in a room with someone I am having a problem with and handle it right there and then instead of carrying something around with me in my heart for years. We settle it there and be done with it. Call it aggressive love if you may but I  prefer that to the baggage of hatred any day.
Hatred is a baggage that will weigh you down and darken you so why carry it around.  There is more to life than that!

Another year filled with new experiences

Another great year has come to an end. No more writing 2014 now it is time to get us to writing 2015.  It always takes awhile before ever getting use to writing a new year, we always slip and accidentally write the previous year.
Words can not explain how blessed I feel to make it into a new beautiful year. God has been so good in 2014 and I know he will be with me throughout the new year of 2015. 2014 was a great year filled with so much good and bad but one thing for sure it was very rewarding.  Now as we prepare ourselves for whatever 2015 has in store for us , one thing we know for sure is that we will have bad days and good days but with every day there will be new experiences and with new experiences there will be new lessons and therefore new stories to share.
2015 will be all you want it to be because you are the one who makes a year special.
Happy new year everyone and I wish you all a prosperous 2015!

Christmas love

Christmas is my favorite time of year. I just love the warmth that Christmas time brings. The time when we celebrate the first gift that was given which is Jesus and in turn we spread the love to others by giving a gift to the special people in our lives.
There is just something so different about Christmas time thst is so selfless. It is one time of year when we think about others. Today i was very surprised to see a total stranger sharing a story with me about their Christmas plans and just what Christmas means to me; at the end of the conversation the person smiled and wished me a merry Christmas.
To me this was surprising because normally when people are busy shopping they are so caught up in themselves that they don’t even notice you, even if them bump into you they barely say a word to you much less have a conversation. It just goes to show how warm Christmas is that in most people it brings out the best in them. This is just another thing to add to my long  list of reasons on why i love Christmas so much.
For me Christmas has so little to do with gifts but so much to do with love. Love that we share to both family and friends;  which unites us and allows us to take the time out of our busy lives to share a special day with one another.
Thank God for the love that glows so bright at Christmas time.

There is a time to be both selfish and selfless

There is a thin line between being selfish and selfless that is so hard not to cross once or twice in our lives.
Everyone has faced the hard choice of whether to choose ourselves or other people. I honestly believe it is one of the hardest choices that a person ever has to make because in reality there are people out there who use and abuse kindness.
Being selfless is taking yourself out of the equation and showing concern for others, without any hidden benefits for ourselves. For me I have been very selfless throughout the years always helping others and bending backwards for people. There is a lesson in that though is that you have to be very careful there are selfish people out there who concern only for themselves and will use your selfless behavior as a chance to walk right over you.
Being selfish is being concerned about ourselves. Many people would think it is so wrong to be selfish which I would honestly disagree with because I believe that there is a time in our lives that we have to be selfish. We have to stop sometimes and focus on ourselves and make ourselves happy. Yes be selfish at least once a week and take time out for yourself because in reality no one will care about your own happiness as much as you will. So spend a day on yourself and look out for you and stop putting yourself on a backburner for other people all the time. Don’t get me wrong I’m not telling you to forget about helping other people because that is just wrong. I personally love helping people there is so much joy in it but all I am saying is that in all your helping don’t forget about helping yourself sometimes. Taking some “ME” time.
Remember you can’t save someone if you need saving yourself.

Less privacy; the more popularity

The more technology, is the less privacy we have. Our private lives have changed all because of new technologies. There is no such thing as privacy anymore because everyone wants to display their lives to the world. It is like our own personal way to feel famous.  The more people that few our pictures and posts over the internet equals to instant popularity. If our posts or pictures are not viewed or liked then some feel the need to delete them.
There is no longer any want for privacy in the younger generation.  The idea of privacy that we older generation once had has now seemed to disappear for the younger people coming up now.
Everything is shared on Facebook, Twitter and instagram.  Our lives have become less private as technology continues to advance.  It is now the norm to share everything with the world it sort of gives us the sense of popularity.  

Inner strength

I have experienced many things in my life; some people would never believe. There were times when i went through things that i thought i would never make it through.  There were times when all i would do was cry but the funny thing about those same things are that they made me stronger.
Strength comes from something within each and every person it has so little to do with your physical body and so much to do with your mind. If you can believe in something then you can achieve it. No matter what obstacles that you face in life you can always be something special. 
Strength is something buried deep within every body but many people’s minds are so highly cluttered with doubt that they can’t see the strength inside.  That is just the reason why we need a push to get started and put us in the right direction. That is exactly what our obstacles and struggles do; they help to bring out what is buried so deeply inside each and everyone of us.
Even though i been through a lot and even had some bad moments,  it was good for me to be afflicted with all that stuff because it made me into the woman that i am today. On this very day in the year 2014 i am so glad to say that i am proud of who i have become.
Now its time for each person to examine their lives and see what each one of their life experiences has done for them; how has it shaped the person that you are today?
When you look back on those memories smile because today you are much stronger than you were yesterday.


Jealousy can be defined as showing envy or possessive over something.
There are so many people show jealousy and through jealousy there can stream many different emotions. Jealousy can come from love as well as it can also come from hatred.  There are some people who love something or someone so much that they are extremely possessive over it that they don’t want anyone else to have it.
As well as the jealousy that comes out of hate because of envy towards someone.  Wanting what that other person has, feeling that you are more deserving of it. 
This shows how deep jealousy can be whether the person is on either side of the line whether through love or hate. So really is jealousy something bad?
It all matters from which side your looking at it from.